Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wing Mirror

Last year, before I'd fitted the aerocatches, the 'SVA Compliant' rubber clips that held the bonnet on let go at about 70 miles an hour.  This resulted in the bonnet flying up, clipping the rear view mirror, catching on the off-side mirror, then twatting me in the head before landing on the verge. 

As a result of that I also decided a one piece bonnet was a better idea and bonded it to the nose cone, and secured it with aerocatches, so even if they fail, it wont fly off, just wobble around a lot.  The center mirror is just a bit scratched, which with some back to black was sorted out, however the side mirror broke the adjustment balljoint such as it would no longer remain in one place.  I added copious amounts of epoxy glue, and set it in the position I needed it in with some tape.  Yesterday it stayed exactly where it should, so hopefully I wont need to get a replacement from racetech.

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